Wednesday, October 5, 2011

It's a possible girl!!

We went in for the 20 week ultrasound (at 19 weeks) yesterday, and everything with baby looked great! Baby was floating around, and moving all over... it's such a beautiful and reassuring thing to see. Baby was being cute and a little tricky for the technician as every time the tech tried to measure the baby's head, baby would turn around so that her bum would always get in the way. Sounds like she's a little trouble maker like DH ;)

After looking at the baby for about 20 minutes, the tech tried to determine the baby's sex. She didn't tell us for sure that baby was a girl. All she said was that she couldn't see boy parts anywhere, and she thinks that baby might be a girl, but couldn't say for sure because it's still possible that baby was hiding the goods.

DH and I really want to be able to tell both sets of parents the sex this weekend (which is Thanksgiving here in Canada), but we really don't want to tell them if we can't be sure it's a girl, so we've opted to go for an elective 3D ultrasound today at 2:45pm!

The lady at the 3D place said that they should be able to get it as long as baby doesn't have her legs crossed or anything, and if they can't get it, then they'll check again for free at a later date. Here's to hoping they can give us confirmation today. I have confidence that if they say it's a girl, it is... This particular 3D ultrasound clinic prides itself on the fact that they have NEVER been wrong on gender, so I think our chances our pretty good. :)

Oh, and we'll get a 3D pic of our LO, which would be awesome to show the grandparents at Thanksgiving!!

If this baby truly is a girl, DH's mom is going to go CRAZY!!! She had two boys herself, and currently has no grandchildren, so this would just be heaven for her. She's always wanted a girl. :)

Of course, my mom would be ecstatic with another girl for a grandchild (my brother had his little girl 11 years ago), so I know she's just waiting to hold another little grandchild again. :)

I am super excited that this baby is possibly a girl. With every fiber of my being, I thought it was a boy. I could still be wrong, but a girl would be such a wonderfully unexpected surprise. I am completely happy with whatever we get, but was a little saddened yesterday to find out that DH is actually disappointed that it's a girl. I told him that it won't matter, when LO gets here, that will be the furthest thing on his mind. He says he's happy for a girl too, but he really wanted a boy. This is a far cry from his original "I don't care if it's a boy or a girl, girls wear team jerseys too!"... but I digress.. at the end of the day, I know he'll get over it, and welcome his daughter in to the world with a pink Toronto Maple Leafs onesie. ;)

After the ultrasound today, if they confirm girl, then I think I'll take DH to the NHL store so we can buy the first onesie, and I'm sure that will get him girl happy! :)

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